Rename from input text list bulk rename utility
Rename from input text list bulk rename utility

rename from input text list bulk rename utility

Alternately, you may want to create copies of the script which hardcode particular values so you can execute the command with a double-click and/or allow you to easily distribute it to others. Scan all CFG files in the current user’s profile replacing with “PA$$woRd” using a case sensitive search:įORFILES /P “%UserProfile%” /M *.cfg /S /C “Cmd /C ReplaceText PA$$woRd”Īs you can see below, the script is very simple and can easily be modified to accommodate any special situations you may have. Scan all INI files in the C:Users (+ sub directories) folder replacing all occurrences of “Server=Old” with “Server=New” using a case insensitive search:įORFILES /P “C:Users” /M *.ini /S /C “Cmd /C ReplaceText Server=Old Server=New /I” Replace the word “null” with “n/a” in the C:DataValues.csv file:

Rename from input text list bulk rename utility